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Quote of the day

“My last refuge, my books: simple pleasures, like finding wild onions by the side of a road, or requited love.”

Tracy Letts
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Quote of the week

“Why are you sad?" Baby asked."Because some day you'll fly higher than high, and the blue will fill your eyes, and maybe you'll forget to come down," said Wishmoley.Baby snuggled next to him. "I'll never forget," she said.”

Julia Hubery Mary McQuillam
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Quote of the month

“THE RIVER OF FOREVER is not the serene, clear-blue comfort that you'd hope to greet your soul after you've exhaled your last breath in the Overworld.”

James Patterson
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Earth Day Quotes

“Once the creator was removed from the creation, divinity became only a remote abstraction, a social weapon in the hands of the religious institutions. This split in public values produced or was accompanied by, as it was bound to be, an equally artificial and ugly division in people's lives, so that a man, while pursuing Heaven with the sublime appetite he thought of as his soul, could turn his heart against his neighbors and his hands against the world...Though Heaven is certainly more important than the earth if all they say about it is true, it is still morally incidental to it and dependent on it, and I can only imagine it and desire it in terms of what I know of the earth. (pg. 23, "A Native Hill")”

Wendell Berry
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“Life is whatever you make it, a heaven or hell on earth.”

Steven Redhead
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“Earth is the source of light.”

Dejan Stojanovic
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“We are the intelligent elite among animal life on earth and whatever our mistakes, [Earth] needs us. This may seem an odd statement after all that I have said about the way 20th century humans became almost a planetary disease organism. But it has taken [Earth] 2.5 billion years to evolve an animal that can think and communicate its thoughts. If we become extinct she has little chance of evolving another.”

James Lovelock
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“But look around at this world, how perfectly it's made. Flowers can't move, yet the insects come to them and spread their pollen. Trees can't move either, but birds and animals eat their fruit and carry their seeds far and wide.”

Nahoko Uehashi
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“It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.”

Rainer Maria Rilke
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“Powerful winds that crack the boughs of November! - and the bright calm sun, untouched by the furies of the earth, abandoning the earth to darkness, and wild forlornness, and night, as men shiver in their coats and hurry home. And then the lights of home glowing in those desolate deeps. There are the stars, though! - high and sparkling in a spiritual firmament. We will walk in the windsweeps, gloating in the envelopment of ourselves, seeking the sudden grinning intelligence of humanity below these abysmal beauties. Now the roaring midnight fury and the creaking of our hinges and windows, now the winder, now the understanding of the earth and our being on it: this drama of enigmas and double-depths and sorrows and grave joys, these human things in the elemental vastness of the windblown world.”

Jack Kerouac
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“Healthy Earth Equals Healthy Inhabitants”

Laurel Marie Sobol
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“The only thing that scares me more than space aliens is the idea that there aren't any space aliens. We can't be the best that creation has to offer. I pray we're not all there is. If so, we're in big trouble.”

Ellen DeGeneres
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“What makes earth feel like hell is our expectation that it should feel like heaven.”

Chuck Palahniuk
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